There are different ways to help men fix weak erections. Here I will review the best treatment options for weak erections.
But before we discover them, there is still one question to answer. What is actually an erection? In order to treat erection problems, we need to know how an erection happens.
A man gets an erection when the penis enlarges and stiffens. This sounds quite easy, but this is very complex process that happens as a result of changes blood vessels, prostate and nerves. The regulation of blood flow into and out of the penis is what makes an erection possible. It’s awfully easy for various factors to interfere with it – for instance, worry, tiredness, too much alcohol or in later life, narrowing of the blood vessels.
An erection occurs when blood is pumped into the penis and stays there, making it hard. It generally happens because a guy is thinking about sex, or because his penis is being stimulated – or both. The result is that signals go down the nerves that lead from his spinal cord to his genitals. They tell the blood vessels which supply the penis to open up. Blood flows in and the organ ‘blows up’ like a balloon.
A valve mechanism near the base of the penis keeps the blood from flowing out again – the least, until sex is over. Following orgasm or the withdrawal of sexual stimulation, the process is reversed. Blood flows out of the penis and back into your circulation, so the penis becomes soft.
An erection requires the interaction of your brain, nerves, hormones, and blood vessels. Anything that interferes with the normal process can become a problem.
Source: Erection problems overview
Fortunately, there are treatments available to help man get and erection. If you cannot get an erection, take a look at the erection oils. They are designed to penetrate the deepest layers of the penile tissue and testicles instantaneously, and give noticeable results within 30 – 90 seconds.
Most men have ever needed an erection help in their lives. Alcohol, tiredness, stress or simply not being in the right mood at the right time may all lead to failure to achieve or maintain an erection. The most frequent cause of temporary problems is anxiety.
The latest thinking among experts in this area is that in 70% of cases there is a physical cause for erection problems.
Psychological causes are responsible for the other 30% of cases.
It is estimated that as few as 10% of men with weak erections seek assistance, despite the fact that treatment and support can be highly effective.
Source: Why Men Should Not Ignore Erectile Dysfunction
As men get older, the incidence of problems increases, but that should never deter anyone from seeking help. Each failed act of intercourse becomes a powerful force that psychologically conditions the man to fail on each subsequent attempt.
If possible, you should discuss the situation with your partner. Failing to be open with your partner about your anxieties can exacerbate your problem and make your partner feel excluded or rejected. It is highly beneficial to have your partner’s emotional support and understanding. It may help to have the partner accompany you to see the doctor. Erection oils are also considered as a good erection help measure.
Let’s also review the top causes of weak erections.
To get an erection, it is necessary that blood flows to the penis and stays there. If there are circulation problems, there may be difficulties in maintaining an erection. Blockage of the blood supply to the penis is a common cause of erectile dysfunction.
This is quite similar to blockage of the heart vessels in heart disease. Heavy smokers are particularly at risk from poor circulation and therefore problems with erection.
Research has shown that men who smoke are more likely to encounter erectile problems than men who are non-smokers.
Source: Men who smoke risk erectile dysfunction: study
New research also suggests that up to 11% of distance cyclists are prone to erectile dysfunction.
A large proportion of diabetics will experience ED at some stage, with the risk increasing as time goes by. Diabetes can affect blood vessels and nerves in various parts of the body and is a major cause of erection problems.
Diabetes has an impact on both blood supply to the penis and the nervous control needed to maintain an erection. It can affect the autonomic nerves which are responsible for controlling bodily functions. This can lead to a lowering of male sexual potency. It is a good idea for those with diabetes to have an open discussion with their GP about sexual problems associated with the condition.
Unfortunately ‘brewers droop’ is not a myth. It is estimated that excess alcohol consumption causes about one in six cases of erectile dysfunction. Contrary to popular belief alcohol is a depressant drug and although it may lessen sexual inhibitions it may also reduce sexual arousal. It is worth cutting back on your drinking to see if this has any impact on the problem.
One of the side effects of certain groups of drugs is a problem with erection. Drugs for treating high blood pressure, depression, or some ulcer healing drugs and anticonvulsants can cause erectile dysfunction. Drugs that contain the female hormone oestrogen or medications to counteract testosterone may also cause problems. Illegal drugs like cocaine may also interfere with ability to maintain an erection.
There are a number of conditions affecting the tissues in the penis that if left untreated, will have an impact on the ability to maintain an erection.
These include Peyronie’s Disease (bent penis), balanitis (inflamed glans or head of penis) and untreated priapism (where erection lasts for hours becoming very painful). Infections, including sexually transmitted diseases may also lead to problems.
With spinal injury, multiple sclerosis or tumours there is an impact on the nerve supply to the penis which can cause erection problems.
Sometimes surgery to the prostate or pelvis where there has been nerve or tissue damage may cause erectile dysfunction.
A range of serious illnesses may cause erectile dysfunction. These include liver or kidney disease, heart attack, heart failure, chest problems, injury or major surgery. Some people may be so weakened by their condition that they simply lack the stamina for intercourse.
There are a number of possible underlying psychological causes. These include depression, anxiety, fear of failure because of recent problems with erection, relationship problems or marital disharmony, loss of attraction to partner, stress, premature ejaculation.
There is a range of treatments available to help you get an erection. Erection problems tend to become more common as you age, but it can affect men at any age and at any time in their lives.
Source: Aging related erectile dysfunction
Physical causes are more common in older men, while psychological causes are more common in younger men. Erection oils are proven to help you get an erection.
There are actually many reasons men search for different products or methods to fix weak erections. More often than not, men are not merely concerned with satisfying their sexual partners or with enhancing sexual relations; their reasons or excuses usually involve their own issues on their abilities to perform sexually.
All, if not most, men undergo certain points and stages in their entire lives where they have to deal with penis problems such as erectile dysfunction (ED) or other forms of sexual dysfunctions.
Source: How to Treat Erectile Dysfunction?
In this light, it is imperative to have an understanding of these problems prior to addressing them.
Weak erections, although more frequently seen in men who are in their 60s, could occur in men of any age. The term pertains to a variety of penis disorders, but basically, erection problems means that a man is not able to get an erection that is ideal for a pleasurable sexual activity.
Men experience erectile dysfunction at least one time in their whole lives, but when it proves to be one recurring and persistent matter, then it becomes a problem that should be dealt with to revive and increase sexual stamina.
Though the problems of weak erections affect a lot of men as they advance in age or when they suffer from any of the disease that cause erectile dysfunction, the good thing is that there are already treatments available in order to help men achieve erection during sex. Nowadays, we have a wide range of male enhancement products, which aim to help fix weak erections.
Sexual function is influenced by your overall wellbeing. Erection problems can be a sign that you are not giving enough attention to a healthy lifestyle. It can also be the first symptom of more serious conditions such as diabetes, heart disease and prostate cancer. Below are some things you could do that can be a great erection help, and at the same time lower your risk of many other serious conditions:
Psychological problems need to be addressed if they are the predominant cause of erection problems. If not, drugs are unlikely to restore enjoyable and satisfying sexual intimacy to your relationship. You should learn how to manage stress. This can be a perfect erection help list.
The most known drugs are Viagra, Levitra and Cialis. But they come with numerous side effects. Because the chemical they act on is only produced when you are aroused, the tablets only give an erection in response to sexual stimulation. We will review these side effects later. For example, it is forbidden to take more than one tablet once a day. They may start working in 2 hours after taking – no immediate effects.
There is a MUCH MORE simple erection help. If you need an instant erection, you should take a look at the topical erection oils. Targeted delivery has been recently identified as an emerging alternative to orally administered products mainly due to the current concerns of the side effects that may occur from taking prescription drugs.
The erection oils are the perfect product to help with weak erections. These oils are the new allies of men who want to experience maximum pleasure and satisfaction with their partner during lovemaking. With these erection oils, there is finally a way for them to increase sex drive and get an erection help for better performances in bed!
I am going to help men solve their erection problems, find the best erection help and reveal which remedies are the best in treating erectile dysfunctions.